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Well, another week had gone by since I've written about my experience with Pascal, our baby African Grey parrot.

He continues to be more friendly and loving each day.  He sometimes still scoots around the cage top so he's not picked up but other times seems to want to be picked up.   It's exceptionally cute when I go to pet him, he'll pick up his foot to be picked up.  He has times that he'll sit with me over half an hour.  When we go upstairs to play, we take Pascal along.  He's getting a lot of use out of his playstand.

Dave and Michael are still taking an active role in handling Pascal.  Dave has also been whistling back and forth with Pascal.  I've tried to discourage Dave a bit.  I want Pascal to talk and besides that, Pascal's whistles are getting more and more loud, I guess looking for someone to answer him.  I sure don't want this nice bird turned into a screecher!

Pascal actually went out quickly with me on Sunday to pick Michael up from a birthday party.  I tried not to make a spectacle of us, but Michael of course wouldn't be good and leave when I asked him.  We ended up standing there for ten minutes.   Lots of kids asked if Pascal was a real bird.  The second most popular question was if he talked.   Adults were interested as well.  I took the oppurtunity to try to educate people a little bit about parrots.  It wasn't my goal, but since I was thrust in that position, I figured I might as well.  Pascal was very nice and pretty patient through it all.  I was very careful as children touched him to keep him distracted so he wouldn't bite.   I admit it made me a bit nervous to have kids touching him, but they weren't asking first.

Well, I guess that's about all I have to report so far.  He's a good bird.